12 May 2024
Durrington Swimming Pool
Durrington, United Kingdom

Distances shown in ft/mi » change to m/km

Swim Distance
450 yd
Bike Distance
11.8 mi (with 436 ft elevation gain)

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Event Description

(provided by race organizer)

not provided

Image Gallery

Pictures provided by race organizer

Difficulty Level


General Information

Entry Fees:£32
Start Time: not provided


Distance:450 yd
Waters:25m Pool
Start Method: not provided
Separated Aquabike Start Wave: not provided
Expected to be wetsuit legal? not provided
Cut off time: not provided


Distance (official):11.8 mi
Distance (gpx data):10.9 mi
Elevation Gain:436 ft
Closed Roads? not provided
Cut off time: not provided


Finishline: not provided
Finisher Shirts? not provided
Finisher Medals? not provided
Awards/Trophees: not provided

Bike Course Map & Elevation Profile


Contact, Website & Registration Info


Weather on Raceday

To give you an idea about how the weather could be on raceday we show you how the weather has been on 12 May in Durrington in the last 5 years.

12 May 2019
55°F - 57°F
4 mph

12 May 2020
48°F - 50°F
7 mph

12 May 2021
13 mph

12 May 2022
13 mph

12 May 2023
55°F - 57°F
16 mph

Questions & Answers

You have a question about Stonehenge Triathlon 2024? Post it here to get an answer from our community or the race organizer.

What else to do in Durrington

If you´re travelling to this event you might want to stay a few days longer to explore the region. Here are some recommendations from GetYourGuide for the most popular activities in and around Durrington.

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