What is Aquabike.World Ranking?
Aquabike.World Ranking is a ranking that´s calculated from all aquabike race results worldwide. For every race result of each athlete we calculate points. So as soon as you finish any aquabike race around the world, you will earn points. The summary of all points of each athlete within the last 12 months result in the current ranking.
How are the points calculated?
The points of each athlete in each race are calculated individually. The factors that we include in this calculation are:
- the ranking position in the race
- the time gap to the winner of the race
- the number of finishers
- the race distance
- the difficulty level of the race
- additional multipliers for National, European and World Championships
However, the exact formula of how the points are calculated remains our secret 😉
When and how often is the ranking updated?
We update the rankings weekly every Wednesday morning. So all results from a weekends races are usually included in the ranking from the following Wednesday. In some rare cases the results of a race might not be available online until then. In those cases we upload the results as soon as we have them and they will be considered for the rankings the Wednesday after that.
Why do I have no agegroup ranking?
For the agegroup ranking we can only consider athletes of which we know the year of birth. We only have this information from athletes who participated in a race where the age or the year of birth is listed in the results (or from other public sources like the ITU athlete profile if available). If the results only include an agegroup but not the year of birth, we cannot consider this information, because the agegroups are different in every race. And also the agegroup changes with time (with the age of the athlete). So if you are agegroup 40-45 in 2021, we cannot know if you are still in this agegroup in 2022. That´s why we need your year of birth to include you in our age group ranking.
How can I add the year of birth to my athlete profile?
You can edit your year of birth or your other profile information simply by signung up. To edit your profile information you have to give your real name at registration. If there is already an athlete with this name in our database, you will be asked to claim this profile. Give it a try, it´s completely free. Sign up here
Why are my points from last weekend´s race not added?
The overall points for the ranking are updated once a week, every Wednesday. The results from a weekend´s race are usually uploaded on Monday, sometimes Tuesday. So it might be that the results are already uploaded and you can see the points for your result on the event´s result page. But they are not added to your ranking before the weekly ranking update.
Why is the nationality of some athletes “unconfirmed” or not correct?
We only have reliable country information from athletes who participated in a race where the countries of the athletes are listed in the results (or from other public sources like the ITU athlete profile if available). However if we do not have this information for an athlete, we assume that his home country is the country of the race(s) where he participated. In this case the ahtlete´s nationality is displayed as “unconfirmed”. If this is the case at your athlete profile you will be able to register an account to confirm or change your country information yourself in the hopefully near future. In the meantime you can send us an email to mail [at] aquabike.world to let us know, so we can confirm or change this information.
How are Swim and Bike Rating calculated?
Swim and Bike Rating are calculated by the average time gap between the rated athlete and the fastest athlete of each discipline. For example if you had the fastest swim time in every event that you participated in, you will have a swim rating of 10,0.
Why does a higher ranked athlete have higher Swim and Bike Ratings than a lower ranked athlete?
If an athlete had the fastest swim time in every event that he participated in, he will have a very high swim rating (same applies for the bike rating of course). However, if he only participated in smaller races, he still will have less points than an athlete who participated in bigger or more races where maybe he wasn´t quite on top of the results list. So his swim and bike rating might be lower although he might be a faster swimmer or cyclist than the winner of the smaller races.
So it´s important to note that a higher rating in a discipline doesn´t necessarily mean that an athlete is better in this discipline than an athlete with a lower rating. The swim and bike rating are rather to show in which of the disciplines an athlete has his strengths. So if the bike rating of an athlete is much higher than his swim rating you can see that he´s a much better cyclist and not so much of a good swimmer.
Why are Swim Rating and Bike Rating show “unrated” at some athletes?
To get a useful calculation of swim and bike strength of an athlete, we need a minimum number of other athletes to compare him to. In other words: If an athlete only participates in races with a very little number of competitors we do not have the basis for a proper calculation. In this case the swim and bike ratings remain “unrated” until this athlete competes in a race with a bigger number of competitors.